Start by logging into your account
You can access your admin account here:
You will land on this page once logged in and you will start by clicking learners:

Adding learners to your LMS
Once in the learner area click “Add learner”:

Then fill out your learner’s details. The username can be their email address or a username of your choice. You can create a generic password as they will be prompted to set a new password upon logging in. Then hit save:

You will then see the green banner “Learner settings successfully saved” which means the learner is now in your system. You can go ahead and add all your learners before enrolling.
How to enrol learners on a course
Now click enrolments to enrol them in a course.

Now select the little +user icon to the right of the course you want to enrol your learners on:

Then click “Enrol new learners”:

Now you can search the learner you want to enol and select them.
*You can select multiple learners and bulk enrol*

You will want to select “Send email” so they receive instructions on how to log into their account:

You will then see the green bar “Successfully enrolled X learner(s)”. Your learners will now be able to access their course. You can also unenrol learners by clicking “Unenrol learners”:

Then search the learner you want to unenrol, select them and click enrol learners.
*Please note: you can claim the credit back if the learner status is “not started” but can’t if they have started the course*

We hope this guide was helpful but if you have any further issues or quieres our team is always here to help: – 01392 984109