Managing conflict

Creative Learning Solutions’ Conflict Management course is targeted at those who wish to gain the skills and knowledge to prepare and deal directly with conflict. The course is ideal for managers, department heads, supervisors and other individuals who have a desire to achieve more positive outcomes when dealing with stressful and negative altercations in the workplace. Most people see conflict as a problem and something they should avoid. However, the main reason to engage in conflict is to reach a resolution and move forward positively. Without resolution, conflict merely becomes an opportunity to recycle old arguments and disagreements. Resolution is an important process in ensuring that high performance levels are achieved and members of a company can work effectively in a team despite minor altercations.

Learning outcomes

  • Our Conflict Management course will enable a participant to describe the effect of conflict in the workplace and how conflict can impact working standards if it is ongoing and left unresolved.
  • Participants will be able to identify different styles of handling conflict and their impact on the situation.
  • As a participant, you will be able to state the skills and qualities required for handling conflict effectively.
  • You will be assessed on how to practice using conflict management skills to resolve difficult situations.


What is the impact of conflict?

  • What is conflict – Our conflict management course will define what conflict and confrontation look like in the workplace and how they may differ from a minor disagreement.
  • Types and impact of conflict – The course will cover the different types of conflict that can occur in the workplace and the necessity of finding a resolution in a coherent manner.

Handling conflict

  • Identifying styles of handling conflict – The course will look at the variety of conflict management strategies available to an individual and their impact.
  • Outcomes for conflict handling – Participants will cover the types of results that can occur from directly tackling conflict.
  • Skills and qualities required in difficult situations – You will learn the most effective skills needed when negotiating difficult situations.
  • Conflict handling communication skills.
  • Creating rapport and leading a person to a more resourceful state – You will learn the best way to build effective working relationships through communication.  
  • Listening skills – You will cover the importance of listening and being able to understand a situation from another’s point of view.
  • Questioning skills – You will explore specific questioning techniques and the importance of listening and understanding.

Practising conflict handling

  • Using the 9-step model – Our conflict management course will highlight the specific steps an individual should take to ensure conflict is resolved at all levels.
  • Practice sessions – The course will provide mock conflict scenarios to assess how a participant will approach conflict.
  • Avoiding conflict – The course will cover how best to avoid or turn around a potentially negative situation.
  • Action Planning – The course will provide you with a conflict management strategy that enables you to confidently approach conflict, should it arise in the workplace.

Duration: Our Conflict Management course takes 1 day to complete