


Allergen Awareness



This Allergen Awareness course from Creative Learning Solutions will give you a series of ideas and guidelines on how to make sure that your establishment complies with the EU Food Information for Consumers (EU FIC) regulations. This is a legal requirement and will ensure that your customers are able to make informed choices when selecting what food to safely eat, but also that your consumers are not at risk of intolerance-related symptoms when consuming food served by your company. The Allergen Awareness course will guarantee that employees and employers are provided with an awareness of the different types of food allergies. Allergies and food intolerance is an issue that will always affect a percentage of consumers and is something that will need to be consistently observed and monitored. Whilst most food allergies aren’t always high-risk, it is important to remember that in some cases, a food allergy can be incredibly serious and even life-threatening to an individual. Therefore, it is imperative to reduce this risk by providing clear food content labels on packaging.


Prices below will cover all courses (excluding Education Setup Packs) so that you may pick any course, or combination of courses, and the % discount will apply to the total number of learners combined at checkout. There is no expiry date and they can be used at any time. Once allocated to a learner, they have 12 months to complete their course.

Quantity Discount Price Each (EXC. VAT)
10-19 15% £17.00
20-49 25% £15.00
50-99 35% £13.00
100+ 45% £11.00


After completing this Allergen Awareness course the learner will be able to:

  • Identify a variety of common foods that can cause allergic reactions.
  • You will learn how these common food allergies can differ in adults and children.
  • Describe the labelling requirements for prepackaged foods, enforced by the Food Labelling Regulations 1996.
  • Give examples of ways in which information about allergenic ingredients of food can be provided to consumers on unpackaged foods.
  • Explain the actions an individual should take when someone shows signs of having an allergic reaction, particularly if their intolerance can be life-threatening.


  • The Allergen Awareness course will cover allergic reactions to food including Anaphylaxis and the serious nature of symptoms that occur when the body’s immune system responds to intolerance.
  • The course will cover what the law says about Allergen Awareness and food packaging labels, and who it applies to.
  • The course will look at the types of food causing an allergic reaction or intolerance and how the common causes of intolerance can be different in adults and children.
  • You will learn about the types of action to take if a person consumes unsafe food and their body responds to the intolerance.
  • The course will give an overview of coeliac disease and lactose intolerance.
  • You will look at the labelling requirements for prepackaged foods and understand the legal requirements behind packaging in relation to customer care.
  • The course will cover labelling requirements for unpackaged foods, such as food served in a restaurant.
  • You will learn how to increase customers’ allergen awareness through labelling and packaging.
  • The course will cover how to avoid cross-contamination, particularly in large and micro food businesses where there is a lengthy process of producing the food. This may involve companies that manufacture food in factories before it is transported to a food store or restaurant.


  • Creative Learning Solutions’ Allergen Awareness course is for any individual who participates in the process of storing, preparing, cooking or serving food.
  • It is also ideal for other individuals who come into direct contact with any foodstuffs.


The course will take around 45 minutes to complete.