


Food Safety Interactive (Level 2)



This interactive e-learning course is the ideal way to obtain the relevant training and certification to meet the latest UK food safety laws and covers the required areas from bacterial growth and food contamination through to storing, preparing, cooking and serving food safely. Endorsed By The Society Of Food Hygiene And Technology.

So whether you are looking to work in the food industry or you just want to learn how to safely prepare food in a domestic kitchen then this is the course for you.


If this is the first time you have purchased licences you will be invited to purchase a site licence for this course before proceeding.

Prices below will cover all courses (excluding Education Setup Packs) so that you may pick any course, or combination of courses, and the % discount will apply to the total number of learners combined at checkout. There is no expiry date and they can be used at any time. Once allocated to a learner, they have 12 months to complete their course.

Quantity Discount Price Each (EXC. VAT)
10-19 15% £9.35
20-49 25% £8.25
50-99 35% £7.15
100+ 45% £6.05


You must have previously purchased an education setup pack to purchase additional credits.

Our education setup pack costs £249.95 and includes 20 student credits.

Key Features

3-5 hours

Versions Available:
Online or stand alone

  • Recognised and accepted by Environmental Health Officers
  • Modular learning to fit in with lessons
  • Suitable for students taking GCSE Food Technology/ GCSE Catering
  • Suitable for students completing NVQ’s
  • Ideal for students looking to work in the catering industry
  • All training completed in school
  • Built-in Learning Management System
  • Online or stand alone versions available
  • Nationally recognized certificate awarded on successful completion

Areas Covered

  • Food contamination
  • Bacteria
  • Bacterial growth
  • Food poisoning and the Environmental Health Officer
  • Purchase to storage including HACCP
  • Kitchen design
  • Personal hygiene
  • Cleaning
  • Pest control
  • Preparation to service