

Freedom of Information Essentials



Our Freedom of Information Essentials courses will cover the importance of being able to access information held by public authorities in the UK and how this is, in fact, a legal right in an open society. Having this transparency is extremely important; the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives a structure to the way information is accessed and disclosed in the public domain. Due to the Act, public authorities have to adhere to this and publish information correctly and securely, dealing with requests for information as outlined in the Act.

This highly interactive course effectively demonstrates the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and uses engaging case studies throughout to enhance your understanding. Through mini quizzes, you will be tested on your knowledge of freedom of information and how you would handle particular cases or situations where you may not know if a request can be granted. The course discusses in-depth the differences between publishing information and requesting information. All of the terms are explained using examples and detailed case studies.

This course has been certified by the CPD Certification Service and counts towards your annual CPD requirement.

Prices below will cover all courses (excluding Education Setup Packs) so that you may pick any course, or combination of courses, and the % discount will apply to the total number of learners combined at checkout. There is no expiry date and they can be used at any time. Once allocated to a learner, they have 12 months to complete their course.

Quantity Discount Price Each (EXC. VAT)
10-19 15% £17.00
20-49 25% £15.00
50-99 35% £13.00
100+ 45% £11.00


After completing our Freedom of Information courses, learners will be able to:

  • Recognise when and where the main provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 apply in your organisation/sector.
  • Understand the types of information that will be shared in an organisation’s publication scheme and what information can be shared with the public on request.
  • Make or handle requests for information in an appropriate way, using a set of instructions on the best way to do this.
  • Understand the legal rights of individuals under the Freedom of Information Act and the consequences a company may face for not complying with the legislation.
  • Understand the 2 broad categories of information available.


The following topics are explored on this course:

  • The main provisions for the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Exploring why the act was created to provide access to official information and the way it benefits society.
  • The Types of information covered under the Act – Using two broad categories to distinguish between information created and the information received by an organisation.
  • Public authority duties – The importance of transparency to establish trust and public confidence in authorities successfully carrying out public service.
  • Publishing information – Instructions on what information can be published and how to do this.
  • Dealing with requests for information – How to respond to requests in the time frame available and when they can be granted.
  • Providing information and refusing a request – The considerations to address before sending or refusing information.


Creative Learning Solutions’ Freedom of Information courses are aimed at those employees who work for public authorities and other organisations, such as the NHS. It is ideal for individuals working across all sectors and organisations, who deal with information that falls under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and have experience in handling, processing and publishing information.


Our Freedom of Information courses will take around 45 minutes to complete.