


Health and Safety Risk Assessment



This course follows the Level 2 Health & Safety in the Workplace and covers the difference between a hazard and a risk, discussing who might be harmed and how harm can occur in your working environment. The Health and Safety Risk Assessment Course is a vital step to be taken to protect your workers and your business. After receiving a set of skills to meet the legal requirements, you will gain confidence in carrying out a risk assessment. It is suitable for anyone who is in a position of responsibility or has a duty of care, such as supervisors and managers. Through completing the Risk Assessment Course, you will be able to successfully identify risks, reducing the likelihood of potential harm, as well as maintain a successful reputation for your company.


Prices below will cover all courses (excluding Education Setup Packs) so that you may pick any course, or combination of courses, and the % discount will apply to the total number of learners combined at checkout. There is no expiry date and they can be used at any time. Once allocated to a learner, they have 12 months to complete their course.

Quantity Discount Price Each (EXC. VAT)
10-19 15% £9.35
20-49 25% £8.25
50-99 35% £7.15
100+ 45% £6.05


You must have previously purchased an education setup pack to purchase additional credits.

Our education setup pack costs £249.95 and includes 20 student credits.

Key Features

  • The Risk Assessment Course helps you learn about the link between the HASAW (Health and Safety at Work) Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
  • You will discover the differences between a hazard and a risk and how this may mean they should be approached independently of each other.
  • You will be informed of the best way to spot potential hazards in the workplace.
  • You will find out who might be harmed or more at risk within your workplace and how this can be minimised.
  • You will discover more about the risk assessment severity grading system and how this can impact the working functions of your company.

Areas Covered

  • The Risk Assessment Course covers risks versus hazards, and whilst the terms are often used interchangeably, you will learn the importance of being able to identify the differences between the two.
  • You will learn the 5-step risk process which the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) advises all employers to comply with.
  • You will learn who is at risk and why some employees may be more susceptible to potential harm.
  • The Risk Assessment Course will provide you with some controls that you can take to ensure safe working practices are carried out by all employees.