The importance of education in the age of online nutrition

fruit bowl - online nutrition

In the age of information, advice on healthy eating is widely available from a number of online sources from bloggers to Youtuber Vloggers and Instagrammers. But with so much information to digest, it can sometimes be hard to tell what is and isn’t good for us. In the age of information, advice on healthy eating […]

E-learning v instructor led training

woman giving instructor led training

It’s a great time to be involved in the world of education today because there are so many options available to suit an array of educational needs. For instance, here at CLS we offer both e-learning and instructor led training, as well as a blended approach and ‘train the trainer’ courses. However, we also know […]

New Year, New Career? 10 Signs You Need A Career Change

clean as you go in the workplace

  For many people the New Year means new resolutions, new opportunities and new perspectives. We’re all looking for that shift from our old drudgery to a bright, refreshing change. But change can be a scary thing as we dive into the unknown, especially in the realm of career change. Taking the risk of shifting […]

Classroom vs E-Learning: What Works for You?

The benefits of e-learning courses are vast and numerous. The ability for students to learn on the go and at their own pace is an appealing quality. But classroom learning has its upsides too, and it’s up to you to decide which method works best for you and your staff. To help you decide, here’s […]

Common Causes of Back Pain in the Workplace

Back, upper limb, and neck pain from work-related injuries is a major ill health condition in Great Britain and across the EU. In 2016, an estimated 8,784,000 working days were lost due to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WRMSD). This is an astronomical figure, considering the simple habits and knowledge that can help reduce these upper body […]

How to Improve Sales with Better Customer Care

A customer care course might not seem like something that should take high priority – some employees may already be naturally gifted at communicating with customers, or maybe you’ve never had any serious complaints – but investing a bit of time and effort in raising the standard of customer care could have a huge impact […]

How To Spot Potential Fire Hazards In The Workplace  

From an office space to a kitchen, fire safety is one of the most important elements to understand in any workplace setting. Fortunately, most fires can be avoided, but it all starts with education, and an online fire safety course can be a great resource to get your team informed about how to prevent fire […]

Tips for Promoting Health and Safety in the Workplace

promoting health and safety at work

When it comes to promoting health and safety at work, it can seem like a tedious activity. While it’s included in an employee’s training or workplace induction, it can be quickly forgotten. However, prioritising workplace safety is far more important to the workplace culture and the company’s reputation than you may think. It reduces the […]

How to Avoid Cross Contamination in the Kitchen

cross contamination prevention

When trying to avoid cross contamination in your own home or work kitchen, it can often appear more complicated then you think. This blog will provide you with some simple and easy tips on cross contamination prevention, helping you steer clear of unhealthy outbreaks in your kitchen and ensuring that each meal you cook is […]

GDPR and What it Could Mean for Your Business

GDPR regulations

What is GDPR? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations. Over the last few years, the GDPR regulations have been renewed, aiming to bring the Data Protection Act 1988 into the present. The Act played a crucial role in data protection, specifically data protection within business use and provide individuals with guidance on how best […]