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E-learning v instructor led training

woman giving instructor led training

It’s a great time to be involved in the world of education today because there are so many options available to suit an array of educational needs. For instance, here at CLS we offer both e-learning and instructor led training, as well as a blended approach and ‘train the trainer’ courses. However, we also know that having options can sometimes be a bit tricky too. How do you know which is going to work best for you?

To help you out, we thought we’d let you know the advantages of each and hopefully, you’ll be able to recognise which sounds right for you!

Advantages of learning online (e-learning)

• Available 24/7 so you can fit this into your life, rather than having to adjust your life around the course.  E-learning can be done at any time, and just about anywhere with an internet connection!

• As well as being able to study on your own time you can do so at your own pace. You can take time with topics you might find difficult or fly through lessons with which you’re already familiar. You can also repeat the learning as often as you like in order to reinforce learning.

• E-learning is also great for monitoring and tracking results in a more tangible way. You can easily see the progress you’re making.

• It is the most cost effective manner of learning. You’ll have no travel or accommodation costs, and you don’t need to take time off from your normal job.

• You can rest assured that you’ll get the same standard of training each and every time

Advantages of instructor-led training (traditional training)

• The chance to ask questions and seek further clarity. Being able to ask questions on the spot, and discuss ideas with your peers is a great benefit.

• One of the most crucial benefits of an instructor led course is the opportunity to interact with top industry professionals who are able to not only teach from their wealth of knowledge, but also offer personal experiences.

• It also allows you to network with others in your field as you’ll also have the opportunity to meet others from different departments or meet others from different organisations if you’re on an “open course”. Instructor-led courses are therefore great for getting different view points.

• It’s also a chance to meet and make friends!

• Plus, an instructor-led course gives you the chance to get out of the usual work environment

An example of Instructor led training: Train the Trainer courses

Train the trainer programmes are our most popular instructor led courses and are an essential tool to help your organisation implement and communicate effective standards. They also give you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

If you are responsible for training staff then we offer 3 different “train the trainer” instructor led courses. Our most popular training programme, the Group Training Certificate (GTC) will teach your staff how to design and deliver effective, interactive training sessions to groups of people. Whereas the Practical Training Certificate (PTC) will teach you how to design short practical training sessions on the job to individuals or very small groups. These popular courses are delivered in companies by the experienced People 1st (formally Stonebow) licensed trainers. Nationally recognised certificates are awarded on successful completion. Ask for more details.

Crossovers between the two

• To a certain degree, you can get the best of both worlds by having weekly or even daily blogs or social media accounts (like Facebook, Twitter or Linked In) where a group of e-learners on the same course can still share ideas and experiences.

• We have a number of courses which offer a combination of both types of learning, commonly known as the “blended” approach.

An example of the blended approach

At CLS, we also offer a pre-course assessment or workbook in an e-learning format to enable delegates to be prepared and reach the same level of knowledge before attending the classroom. This is followed by instructor led training with an in-company course and concludes with a post-course assessment or feedback form, again delivered online.

Follow this link to enquire about the courses we offer or request a demo today.


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