


Personal Safety Essentials



Creative Learning Solutions’ Personal Safety Essentials Training is highly effective in reducing violent and aggressive incidents in the workplace and beyond by raising an awareness of the signs and responses to be made when placed in a vulnerable situation. Employers and staff can benefit from this course both at work and in everyday situations. Throughout the course, there are tips and strategies to encourage an individual to be more safety conscious, thereby helping employees minimise their vulnerability and enable them to avoid situations and environments that might place them at greater risk. Whilst we rarely associate violence with the workplace, it is something we should have a basic knowledge and understanding of. The Crime Survey for England and Wales reported that 1.4% of working adults are victims of violent incidents in the workplace, making it clear that an increased awareness is vital in playing a part in reducing the risk of these events occurring.

Prices below will cover all courses (excluding Education Setup Packs) so that you may pick any course, or combination of courses, and the % discount will apply to the total number of learners combined at checkout. There is no expiry date and they can be used at any time. Once allocated to a learner, they have 12 months to complete their course.

Quantity Discount Price Each (EXC. VAT)
10-19 15% £17.00
20-49 25% £15.00
50-99 35% £13.00
100+ 45% £11.00


After completing this Personal Safety Training, learners will be able to:

  • Recognise that having confidence and the preparation to deal with a situation where they are potentially vulnerable, is an important element of staying safe at work and beyond.
  • Recognise signs of violence and be able to assess your own personal safety and security, as well as the safety of your co-workers.
  • Avoid situations and environments that may place you at greater risk.
  • Follow safe behaviour practices at work, at home, in public, and abroad.
  • Know what to do if you or others feel unsafe or if you have been a victim of crime.


The following topics are explored in our Personal Safety Training:

  • You will cover the best defence against crime and how to assess and minimise the threat to your own personal security.
  • You will learn personal safety at work and how particular working environments make an individual more vulnerable.
  • Explore how particular occupations (such as lone working) increase the vulnerability and the particular safety measures to take when working on your own.
  • You will cover travelling for work and travelling for pleasure and the measures you need to take to stay safe when away from home.
  • Home security and how to reduce the breach of security.
  • You will learn the importance of staying safe in public spaces and what to do if you are subjected to violent or aggressive behaviour.
  • How to carry out a risk assessment and deal with incidents in a calm and appropriate manner.
  • You will explore the legal responsibilities of an employer in prioritising employees’ safety within the workplace.


Creative Learning Solutions’ Personal Safety training is ideal for all members of staff within an organisation, not just those who specifically deal with customers or members of the public directly. Through imposing an awareness of such dangers on employees and the regulations associated with violence in the workplace, employers will be able to reduce risk. It is also targeted at those that think they can benefit from being more aware of their surroundings and potential dangers, focusing not just on the workplace, but how to stay safe whilst travelling, and within your own home.


The course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Key Features

Areas Covered