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Do You Have These Essential Trainer Characteristics?

woman coaching a train the trainer programme

The ability to train and teach effectively is a skill that requires training and practise itself. No one just wakes up with quality leadership skills! They are built over time and come with a series of trials and errors that shape you into a better facilitator each time. A train the trainer programme helps you develop, hone or refine these skills. You’re essentially investing in both yourself and your team with a train the trainer programme, as you can teach them new skills as you learn yourself. So, do you think you’ve got what it takes to be a trainer? Let’s see how many of the essential trainer characteristics below you already possess, which you can refine and which might need a little work.

1. Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills

You may already know how to talk to all kinds of people, get your point across and make them feel valued. Learn how to hone these social skills in a training context so you can convey key messages succinctly and comprehensibly.

2. Charismatic and upbeat

You have a great attitude and are ready to face any challenge. This kind of energy is infectious! Cultivate it in a train the trainer programme to become a good motivator and get maximum participation from your trainees.

3. Creative, innovative and engaging

You have an uncanny ability to make even the dullest subjects fun. With your creative energy, you can engage your trainees to learn about even the most mundane tasks or information with vigour.

4. You have a deep and thorough understanding of your industry

You’re an expert. When people have questions, they come to you. With your wealth of knowledge, you’re an asset to your company and a resource for co-workers and employees. During a train the trainer programme, you can learn how best to extract that knowledge into tangible lessons, so your trainees can soak up the information like a sponge.

5. Passionate about learning

You recognise the value of learning and are excited about new opportunities to expand your cerebral horizons. Such passion is key when it comes to inspiring others to do the same!

6. Understanding and considerate

Your level of compassion and consideration for others will help each trainee learn at the rate they feel most comfortable. Everyone learns at different speeds and in different ways, and you know that! When you learn about different teaching methods, you can help each and every trainee reach their highest potential.

7. Highly efficient

If there’s a problem, you fix it with grace and invention. Unfortunately, more often than not, training managers do not have the resources they need (be it time, money, or even commitment from others), so you need to be highly resourceful and able to think of innovative ways the company can save time or money, without compromising the effectiveness.

If you think you could benefit from a train the trainer programme, get in touch today. We can help unlock not just your potential but your employees’ too!


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